Allowing MONEY secrets that I use everyday 😍
I love money and the subject of money gets me into the vortex easily, because it’s the energy of fun.
You deserve money and money is everywhere that is why money is easy.
There are a lot of bogus beliefs that say money is hard time to let those go.
We are here on the leading edge, everything is easy.
Here are three strategies I use to allow money to flow into my life freely:
🗝️ I don’t think about money when I am in negative emotion. Which means in that moment I am focused on lack which will manifest as a lack of money if I was to focus on the subject of money while in negative emotion.
🗝️ I only think about money when I am in good feeling emotions. This tells me that in this now I am focused in abundance which will magnify the manifestation of money into my experience.
🗝️ I only say positive things about money. Through my speech I manifest all the goodness that money brings to our lives. Appreciation of money is a sure way that brings tons of money into my experience.
As you can see I love playing with the universe and my guidance system to create exactly the wealth that I want.
I make it easy, I make it fun and playful.
What are some ways you play with the universe to allow more money into your experience?
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