Here's an uplifting rampage to align with expecting more money effortlessly:
"I expect more money to flow into my life with ease. I know that wealth is my birthright, and it comes to me naturally. Money loves me, and it is always seeking me out. I appreciate the signs of abundance all around me, and I celebrate every dollar that enters my life.
I am open and receptive to all the wonderful opportunities for wealth. My world is filled with prosperity, and my life overflows with financial blessings. Each day, I feel more deserving and ready to receive even more. My bank account is always growing, my investments thrive, and I attract abundance from all directions.
I see evidence of my wealth growing constantly. Money is just energy, and I am a powerful attractor of it. I trust that the universe is bringing me everything I desire, and I feel grateful for the abundance that is here now and the wealth that is on its way.
It is natural for me to be wealthy. I expect money to show up in delightful, unexpected ways. I feel abundant, prosperous, and filled with excitement as my financial dreams unfold. Wealth is inevitable for me, and I allow it all to flow to me now!"
Let yourself feel this truth as deeply as possible, knowing that more money is always on its way to you!