When you lose the fear of caring about what people think.
When you lose the fear of death.
When you lose the fear of being poor.
You just let yourself experience life.
I want an extraordinary life.
Extraordinary life.
I made a decision that I want an extraordinary life.
Not ordinary…Extraordinary ✨✨✨✨✨
So, ordinary is just a common paradigm.
Ordinary is just what we are taught to do.
Hopefully make a $100,000 a year…
Get married, have kids, retire…
Extraordinary life is living life as the best of myself.
The best of myself does not judge.
The best of myself does not hate.
Does not fight.
Does not compete.
The best of myself does not lie.
The best of myself is honest.
She is authentic.
She is powerful.
She goes after what she wants.
She leads with love.
She serves.
She takes care of others.
She gives.
She loves herself.
She loves others no matter what.
She is grateful.
She is loving.
She is caring.
This is ascension.
This is expansion.
With source.