Everything is working out for me
Everything is working out perfectly for me
All is well
Source adores me
I’m living an enchanted life
Everything is magical for me
My path is gorgeous
I show up as source everyday
My life is full of fun and adventure
I always get what I want
My life is so perfect
I’m living my fairytale
Every moment is better than the previous one
The better it gets the better it gets for me
My focus is about pure love
I see everything through the eyes of love
I see everyone through the eyes of love
I feel in passion in my life
I’m always in abundance
Things go so perfectly for me
I’m amazing
I feel incredible
I feel full
I feel full of clarity
I have perfect health
I live in abundance
I live in abundance of self love
I live in abundance of time
I live in abundance of clarity
I live in abundance of beautiful breathing
I live in abundance of nature
I live in abundance of money
I live in an eternal, always expanding universe
I love being a vibrational being
One bite at a time
Appreciating everything
Being in happiness
I be in joy
I am eternal in nature
I am source energy
The vortex does the work