Today I am exploring the powerful energy of joy. How do we tap into the joyful vibrations? By vibrating at the frequency of joy. Many of us we naturally experience joy in our lives. But did you know that choosing to live a joyful life is a joy. This becomes possible when we as individuals make a choice of 'nothing matters more than I feel good'. We are powerful creators and we are the only creators of our own lives. I create my own reality, and you create your own. Our thoughts and our beliefs create that which we are experiencing. The good news is that we have a choice on what thoughts we choose and what thoughts no longer serve us. To truly create a joyful life, one has to want to make themselves happy, because happiness is always an inside job. Our emotions are letting us know which way we are focusing. They are build in guidance system, that allows us to navigate our own lives.
Joy is one of the highest frequencies on this Universe. It vibrates at a high frequency note. It is right next to the frequency of LOVE and APPRECIATION. To get to JOY, we must cultivate an atmosphere of self-love and self-appreciation. Once we start to direct our focus on all that is wanted and positive into our lives, the frequency that we emanate changes. Our life starts to shift. We experience the feeling of joy more often. The better it gets the better it gets. The law of attraction is a powerful force, and if we become deliberate about our creation, then we use it to our own advantage.
Here I will break it down in 5 steps, how to create more JOY into your life:
1. Wake up every morning to good feeling thoughts. Choose thoughts that are pleasing to you to practice as soon as you wake up. Could be something as simple as 'I appreciate my pillow'; 'I love the comfort of my bed'; 'I love my breathing'; 'I am so excited to be alive'; 'I appreciate my mate', etc.
2. Spend your morning priming your day for good feelings, fun, adventure and joy. What would give you joy? Write those activities that bring you happiness. Could it be that taking a brisk walk will make you feel happy, or watching the sun come up, or having a glass of water with lemon? The answers will be unique to your own liking.
3. Schedule the time of the day you can dedicate to those activities, and stick to them. Add blocks of time when you can do something for your own happiness.
4. Choose joy and happiness each day. Set an intention each day that today you are going to enjoy life, you are going to tap into joy and fun and happiness.
5. Create thoughts and routines that serve you. Place your focus on things that are abundant and that represent well being. Look for things that please you. Imagine yourself often being happy. Picture your best life in joy.
Have fun with all of this.
