Change your focus from external world to the internal world-don’t look for validation externally to actually feel like you can be what you want. You gotta get that turned around because the outside world is a reflection of the inside world. The inside world is not a reflection of the outside world. Looking on the outside world will keep you in a holding pattern, it will keep you stuck. When you switch your focus towards looking for things you like about your environment, about the people, looking for reasons to reach out to those you love. This way I become the one that’s putting out that signal. I become the magnet to really great people and experiences. Project the wanted message from inside out. Project the essence of it out and you will attract it back.
Quick action - most people are deliberators, they want to wait and see. They want to look at all the options. They want to think it over. Training deliberation out of you is going to be huge for leveling up your life. Deliberating, waiting, what does that mean? At it’s essence it means doubt. It means insecurity. It means worry. I’m worried I’m going to make the wrong decision. So I gotta research this for 500 years before I do anything. This also puts you in a holding pattern. Because, you’re not taking action forward towards your dreams. You can’t make bad decisions because the Universe is infinite and there are infinite routes to getting to your dream life. The Universe will always re arrange itself to show you another path to get you to your dream life. You just want to get in the habit of making the best choice that you can in the moment so you’re staying attached to inspired action and moving forward in a way that feels pleasing to you. So for me, if there is something I want to do and it feels like yes I want to do it. I just do it now. I don’t deliberate about it. I don’t wait, I just do it. Instead of deliberating I even flip a coin and then take action. I don’t deliberate. And, what this has allowed me to do is take a lot of inspired action towards my dreams very, very quickly. Instead of not moving forward and getting stuck in a holding pattern, not using the guidance that the Universe is sending you. You can use this for leveling up your appearance, if you want to level up your social game, if you want to level up your business. You gotta start taking quick action. If you want to change something, change it quickly, This will get you into a really strong momentum with the law of attraction, where you start to get really great ideas on how to improve that area of your life quickly.
Raise your standards - stop settling. This is essential. You kind of have to be ruthless with this one. When you settle, the Universe will always give you what you settle for. and the second you say I’m better than this, I deserve better than this, your actions reflect that, the Universe will give you what you want. But, you gotta be ruthless. You gotta be tough about it. You gotta be like you know what screw this, I’m out now! This is a phenomenon I’ve seen in my own life, when I let go of something that is not all that too exciting for me and I take action towards letting go of an experience, other things that are pleasing to me and that are exactly what I want show up in my path, Don’t be afraid to let go of things that you are settling on, that you are sick of. Be willing to let them go. Walk away from them. Because, the message that you’re going to put out is. I’m better than this.
Is there anything you’ve been settling with, anything that you would like to let go of? Let me know below on the comments :)
