We are like magicians, we either create what we want or we create what we don't want.
We are so powerful and I love to think how we are source +humanity.
Being on this planet is like a gift that keeps on giving.
Everyday is a new fresh start.
We get to experience the magic and the beauty of our lives.
Now, we are creating what comes next.
What comes next is not designed or attracted from what has happened in the past.
We constantly have new desires. Each one of us, and I find this so endearing. It makes me fall so in love- head over heels in love with humanity.
We as a manifested form of source, we are full of potential.
We have infinite potential of what we attract.
And, we create our desired manifestations through living what we don't prefer moments.
Like, I don't like the way this person is driving. At that moment, people who are great drivers are manifested for you in your vibrational reality. Now, if continue to look around for not good drivers, we continuously attract not good drivers in our reality now. Because, law of attraction gives us more of what we focus on. But, simultaneously in our vibrational reality, which is current and real but we cannot see it with our humans eyes yet, is being created good, amazing drivers. So, in that moment we can say, oh I am in the middle of attracting what I don't want. Instead I will focus on good drivers, like that driver used an indicator that they are turning (I'm driving in Egypt, that is why I'm writing this 😁).
Or, we can go general, oh look at those trees are so pretty or the sky looks amazing.
And, our point of focus changes causing life to show us a pleasant reality, a reality we like.
You see how a personalized experience we have.
Focus on what you want, it's that simple ♥️
Humans are amazing like the beast of this planet. We are worthy. We are special. Loving each other is our image desire.
Enjoy ❤️
-I love you
Magic! 🪄💫❤️
Are you saying drivers in Egypt are bad drivers ha ha ha?