Our beautiful minds are the 'cure', that is...
Our thoughts are turning to things, literally
The general contents of our thoughts are creating the reality that we know as 'what is'
We all have a case of what-isness
But, the masters of our times, they have figured out a way to look more towards what's becoming, than focusing solely on what is - the already manifested reality.
Changing every thought, now that is hard work, because Law of Attraction adds momentum to each thought, and it takes it towards the momentum that it has already gathered.
There is shortcut, though
Go for the EMOTIONS
Its the easiest to activate new emotions, by finding how they feel and isolating the feelings that represent the emotions. Now, of course we want to choose emotions that feel good, the positive emotions.
Emotions are our guidance systems. They let us know which direction of momentum we got going, is the train going north or south. Towards Source energy, or towards the peanut gallery.
Either way, it's all good. Contrast allows us to expand and remain eternal.
SO we want to practice everyday feeling fo upliftment, ease, flow, passion, clarity, abundance, fun, joy, love...
Meditation is the medium between the two worlds. Our physical self and our non-physical self. It helps with raising your vibration to match the vibration of your inner being. Which is in the frequency of joy and bliss.
So , make feeling good a priority. Be a good human, an infinite intelligent human tat you are. Tune your tuner to source. See it the way source sees it. Feel it the way source feels it. Get excited about your life. Get clarity going, and knowing going, faith, and hope. All is well. Everything is working out for you. Everything is working out for all of us.
Have fun, look for positive aspects. See yourself through the eyes of love. Practice unconditional love, choose wisely. Point the energy that creates wordlds towards the stream that you want to be on. Going down hill..wwwweeeeeeeee!
Have fun. Enjoy. Take deep breaths. Laugh more. Make feeling good your priority. Know your every desire is coming to you. Allow, allow, allow
Remember, you are source. You are loved. You are wanted. You are worthy.